Place marketing theory has gained popularity in its different forms (nation branding, city branding, tourism destination marketing, neighbourhood marketing, etc.). The module of “Place Management and Marketing/Branding’ (PMM) is a unique element within the contemporary (academic) discussion in Greece and, if one takes into account that on an international scale the field has been active for the last 25 years, the added value of offering this module is high; this is reflected through its main goals which art to offer a) the opportunities to the students to get to know a new subject and participate actively in the current discussion and b) particular working skills in the field. The scope of the module is to combine marketing and management principles with the field of Urban and Spatial Planning and Development.
The module is related to the management of small scale interventions and marketing/branding of cities, regions, neighbourhoods or other spatial entities (e.g. islands, cross-border regions) with this emphasis given in culture and tourism. More specifically, models of spatial strategies, participatory decision making processes in urban interventions, etc and urban strategies that aim to improve the image and fame of a place according to the principles of marketing and branding are at the center of the module. In the module the most important issues related to theory and practice of Place Management and Place Marketing are presented and discussed through examples from the national and international context (Amsterdam, Vienna, Larisa, Kozani etc.).
Students are expected to be able to understand the main theoretical approaches of Place Management (e.g. Tourism Destination Management, Policies for Histrical City Center, Cultural Quarter Development) and Place Marketing. They will also be able to understand and asses strategies regarding the main goals of place marketing and branding (the attraction of businesses, inhabitants and tourists), as well as the specific processes such as market research, market segmentation, the elements of fame and identity, strategic marketing planning based on participatory processes, e-marketing and social media, the development of specific tourist quarters, etc. Students will also have the opportunity to try out these methods through fieldwork on a specific case study that will focus on the marketing/promotion of a specific region or city, the plan for a museum quarter or a cultural route, the use of e-marketing techniques, the design of a promotion campaign, etc.
Pedion Areos, 383 34, Volos
+30 24210 74452-55
+30 24210 74380