- the formulation of integrated local development and territorial strategies in rural areas at every scale (community, municipality, intermunicipality, ),
- the evolution of the territorial development model, focusing:
- On the methods of identification, emergence and enhancement of local territorial resources through adapted action plans of an integrated nature which incorporate the local social capital and the diaspora,
- on the improvement of the role of local actors in the participatory process of preparing a development plan, from diagnosis, to the formulation of actions and their application plan (operational planning),
- on the organisation of territorial governance and active participation in the planning and application of territorial public action (bottom – up planning of multi-sectoral and multi-funded programs)
- the development of small towns in rural areas and their role in local government
- the evolution of family farming
- the contribution of new technologies (geo-informatics science) in the creation of spatial analysis tools, territorial diagnosis and the construction of specific territorial resources

Representation of the National Strategy of the Troodos Mountain Communities (Nicosia, June 2018)
Master of Science «Territorial Dynamics and Spatial Planning », DYNTAR:
The research team of the Laboratory of Rural Areas supports since 2004 the function and organisation of the common Greek-France MSc DYNTAR based in Volos, which is annual. The official language teaching is French. MSc DYNTAR provides knowledge in scientists of different topics and specialities in issues that are connected with the territorial organisation and the development of rural areas.
The scientific laboratory team contributes to carry out a collective project in the context of Master DYNTAR which each year focuses on a developmental issue in Thessaly (Skopelos, Elassona, Farkadona, Almyros, Mouzaki Sofades, …)